Mark your calendars for the Precision One Health Inititative’s Inagural Fall Conference which is scheduled for November 7th 2024 at the Georgia Conference Center. The preliminary agenda is as follows:
Preliminary agenda:
- 8:30-9:00AM (Master’s Hall)
Welcome and Symposium Charge (Provost Dr. Jack Hu)
- 9:00-10:30AM (Master’s Hall)
Session 1: Topic A
Moderator: TBD
Panelists: TBD
- 10:30 – 10:45AM Pecan tree Galleria
Break and Posters Session (Graduate Students and Postdoctoral Assistants)
- 10:45- 12:00PM (Master’s Hall)
Session 2: Topic B
Moderator: TBD
Panelists: TBD
- 12:15-1:30PM (Magnolia Ballroom Salon)
Luncheon & Keynote address (Dr. Yana Zavros, One Health and Comparative Oncology)
- 1:45- 3:00PM (Rooms F, G, K, and L)
Breakout Sessions: 1 session per POHI Core
Moderators: Core Leaders
Panelists: Core Members and Affiliate Faculty
- 3:15-4:30PM (Master’s Hall)
Recap and next steps for advancing the best ideas and immediate questions for action
- 4:30-5:00PM (Master’s Hall)
Closing Remarks (Dean Lisa Nolan)